
October 29, 2016

Ross Sea becomes largest marine protected area

In 2015, Mr. Pugh wanted to encourage Norway to convince Russia in agreeing to protect the pristine Ross Sea in Antarctica. During a visit to Norway, Geelmuyden Kiese helped Pugh understand the Norwegian political landscape, set up meetings with important stakeholders, build a strong message and raise awareness through a large op-ed in Norway’s biggest newspaper Aftenposten.

Lewis Pugh

On Friday October 29th 2016, the member nations of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resource (CCAMLR), including Russia, agreed to make Ross Sea the world’s largest marine protected area. Over 1.5 million square kilometers are set aside for conservation, covering an area larger than the Nordic countries combined.

We congratulate Mr. Pugh, the Antarctic Ocean Alliance, CCAMLR participants and the many others achieving this landmark environmental deal. We are proud to have helped a small part along the way.