AI Co-Creation Sprint and Workshop

To kickstart your use of generative AI, we guide you through a sprint-based workshop format that helps communication and marketing teams identify unique opportunities with the potential for the most positive impact on workflows and outcomes. 

  • How does it impact the way we work?  
  • Can we automate repetitive tasks?  
  • Can we enhance our research efforts?  
  • Can we improve data processing?  
  • Can we produce better and faster text, images, and videos through AI?  
  • How can we generally expedite the operational use of AI in relation to communication and marketing?  

What is a co-creation sprint? 

A co-creation sprint is an intensive work period where cross-functional teams come together to explore, design, and test innovative ideas. It combines the best of design thinking, agile methods, and technological expertise. 

 Benefits of a co-creation sprint: 

  • Rapid prototyping: In just a few days, you can create a prototype of how generative AI can enhance your communication strategy.  
  • Cross-functional collaboration: Coders, designers, and experts in communication and marketing work together to create solutions that truly meet the department’s needs.  
  • Risk mitigation: Test ideas in a controlled environment before fully implementing them. 

Contact us

Are you curious about how AI can support you and your team's work with communication and marketing?

Get in touch with us and let's talk about how you can get started.