AI training tailored to your needs, your organization and your reality

Receive training on how artificial intelligence can revolutionize your approach to communication and marketing. This course offers in-depth, customized, and practical education in the use of relevant AI tools (typically identified through an AI strategy process). 

The course will be tailored to your organization and context, providing training on using relevant AI tools to enhance and optimize your communication and marketing processes. Throughout the course, you will gain insight into how to utilize and customize AI tools to meet your specific needs. 

We will teach you how to tailor prompts and input data to maximize the efficiency of AI tools. 

The course will introduce the essential features and possibilities within artificial intelligence, focusing on tools relevant to your unique context. 

Through exercises, you will gain practical experience applicable to various work processes, and you will learn to formulate precise prompts to achieve the best possible results. 

After completing the course, you will be better equipped to work efficiently and solution-oriented with AI to address specific tasks. 

Contact us

Are you curious about how AI can support you and your team's work with communication and marketing?

Get in touch with us and let's talk about how you can get started.