April 11, 2020GK with three nominations for Sabre Awards 2020

This week, The Holmes Report released the list of nominees for this year’s Sabre Awards EMEA. In competition with more than 2.400 submissions from all over Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Geelmuyden Kiese received three nominations.
It’s fantastic that GK once again are making a mark at the Sabre Awards. And we are especially excited to be nominated with campaigns for three different clients – clients that we are very proud to be working with. A huge thank you to The Church of Norway, DSB and Av-og-til – and congratulations to you as well!
Ole Henrik Stubberud, Creative Director, Geelmuyden Kiese..
On the nominees, the Holmes Report shared this statement:
“The campaigns selected as finalists this year are truly exceptional. They represent top quality planning and strategy, brilliant insights, amazing creativity across multiple media and all available channels, and—more than ever before—an emphasis on real business outcomes. All of our finalists should be very proud.”
The nominated GK-campaigns are:
«Juleevangeliet 2019» for Den norske kirke
«Sisterna Taverna» for Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB
«En serie om alkoholvaner. Og uvaner.» for Av-og-til